
leo's homepage (she/her)



I'm a PhD student at Center for Information and Language Processing (CIS), at LMU, and a Junior Member at MCML. I'm advised by Hinrich Schütze.

this website is a perpetual work in progress where you can find my amateur watercolors, some recipes, and my personal book and movie logs.

about me

I am interested in mechanistic interpretability, social bias, and in the intersection of NLP and ethics, linguistics, and queer theory.

outside of the lab, I like to draw and discovering punk artists around the world.

before relocating to Munich, I was:

  • a Junior Researcher at Priberam Labs, where I worked with extreme multi-label classification within the medical domain;
  • a MSc student at Instituto Superior Técnico, where I was advised by Luísa Coheur. My work focused on gender inclusivity in Portuguese NLP systems.


A rewriting approach for gender inclusivity in Portuguese. [pdf]
Leonor Veloso, Luísa Coheur, and Rui Ribeiro.
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023


07.12.2024 live! some links are broken